Did SIMONE BILES do the right thing? Breaking….

Did SIMONE BILES do the right thing?

Breaking SIMONE BILES Declines $5million from ABC to Appear on “the View”

Simone Biles’s decision to decline a $5 million offer from ABC to appear on “The View” can be examined from multiple angles, taking into account her personal values, career goals, and the broader context of her life and career. While opinions may vary, here’s a detailed exploration of the potential reasons behind her decision and whether it was the “right” choice for her.

Personal Integrity and Mental Health

One of the most significant factors in evaluating Biles’s decision is her commitment to personal integrity and mental health. Simone Biles has been a vocal advocate for mental health awareness, particularly in the context of high-pressure environments like elite gymnastics. By choosing not to appear on “The View,” she may have been prioritizing her well-being over financial gain.

Biles’s decision could be seen as a commitment to maintaining her mental and emotional health, especially in a period where she has been open about her struggles with pressure and stress. Her choice to decline a substantial offer might reflect her desire to avoid potentially overwhelming media scrutiny or stress, which aligns with her previously stated values.

Career Focus

Another angle to consider is Biles’s career trajectory. As a decorated gymnast, Biles has achieved significant milestones, including multiple Olympic gold medals and world championships. Her career focus may be shifting towards different goals or projects that align more closely with her long-term ambitions.

Declining the offer from ABC could be a strategic decision to avoid distractions that might divert her attention from her athletic or personal objectives. For elite athletes, maintaining focus on their primary goals is crucial, and media appearances, even lucrative ones, can sometimes interfere with training and preparation.

Financial Considerations

While $5 million is a substantial amount of money, Biles’s decision to turn it down may not necessarily reflect a lack of financial need. As one of the most prominent athletes in her field, she likely has other sources of income, such as endorsements and sponsorships, that might have made the financial aspect of the ABC offer less compelling.

Additionally, Biles’s decision might have been influenced by a desire to ensure that any public appearances or endorsements align with her personal brand and values. Financial considerations are undoubtedly important, but they may not always outweigh other factors, such as personal comfort and alignment with one’s principles.

Media Strategy

Biles’s decision could also be part of a broader media strategy. By selectively choosing her public engagements, she maintains a level of control over her public image and the messages she conveys. Appearing on high-profile shows like “The View” can be both an opportunity and a risk, as it places her in the media spotlight and can sometimes lead to unwanted attention or scrutiny.

Choosing to turn down the offer might be a way for Biles to manage her public presence and focus on opportunities that are more aligned with her personal brand or current priorities. This strategy allows her to maintain a certain level of privacy and manage her public engagements more strategically.

Ethical and Social Considerations

Ethical considerations also come into play. By declining the offer, Biles might be sending a message about the nature of media and celebrity culture. Her decision could be interpreted as a critique of the commodification of athletes and celebrities, where significant financial offers are made to gain access to their personal stories or experiences.

In choosing to decline a lucrative offer, Biles might be emphasizing that her worth and decisions are not solely determined by financial incentives. This move could be seen as a stand against the pressures of a culture that often places a premium on celebrity appearances and endorsements.

Public Reaction

Public reaction to Biles’s decision is likely to be mixed. Some may view her choice as an admirable demonstration of personal integrity and self-care, while others might question whether turning down such a significant financial opportunity was wise. The diverse reactions highlight the complexity of her decision and the different values people place on financial rewards versus personal well-being and integrity.


In conclusion, whether Simone Biles did the “right” thing by declining the $5 million offer from ABC to appear on “The View” depends on the perspective from which one evaluates the decision. From a personal integrity and mental health standpoint, her choice appears commendable, reflecting a commitment to her well-being and a strategic approach to managing her career. Financially, while the offer was substantial, it may not have been the primary factor in her decision-making process.

Biles’s decision can be seen as a multi-faceted choice influenced by her values, career focus, and personal priorities. In the end, her choice reflects a balance of these elements, demonstrating that the “right” decision is often nuanced and deeply personal.


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